Messaging chat app Telegram recently announced its latest new features and improvements that will be making their way to the platform, with video being the main focus this time around. Amongst the biggest changes was the expansion of group video calls to include up to 1,000 viewers.
Telegram has introduced a new series of features to make its platform even more advanced. As per the new development, Telegram will now allow up to 1000 people to join a group video call and will also allow users to send video messages. What’s more, Telegram has now enabled screen sharing with sound for all video calls, including one-on-one calls. With all these features, the app will give tough competition to its rival WhatsApp.

Telegram said it wants to increase this limit until all humans on Earth are involved in a group call. Hence, the company has allowed around 1000 participants to join the video call, while 30 users can broadcast video from both their camera and screen. Along with this, many more features have been introduced to the app.
Telegram Video Messages
Telegram has updated its video message feature. Telegram says video messages are an easy way to check-in or share moments around you without adding another video to your gallery. You can simply tap on the recording button in your chatbox and send it to your contacts. The video will not be saved in your gallery.

Telegram said in the blog, “To record a video message, tap the microphone icon in the message bar to switch from voice message recording to video. Press and hold to record, then tap the camera icon to switch back. The audio from your device will continue to play as you record, so you can now sing along to your favorite music or reply to your podcast without pausing. Also, recording with your rear camera allows you to zoom in and capture things at a distance or add a dramatic effect.
Telegram Video playback speed
Now you can change the playback speed of videos sent to you via Telegram. The media player on the app now supports 0.5x, 1.5x, and 2x playback speeds. So it can be used to fast-forward calls or watch videos in slow motion.
To change the video playback speed, tap the three dots on Android or the three horizontal dots on iOS while watching a video at full screen. Android users can also press and hold the 2X button while playing music or video message to switch between 0.5x, 1x, 1.5x, and 2x playback speeds.

Telegram Sharing screen with sound
Telegram will now allow users to share the screen on one-on-one calls on their devices while broadcasting in any video call. This means, if you are watching a movie, you can share your screen and watch the movie with your friend.
Telegram said in the blog, “When switching to video during any call, you can swipe up to select a camera or share your screen instead – and use Video Preview to ensure that Everything is perfect before going live”.
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