With the new feature of Telegram, users can easily transfer their Whatsapp chats to the Telegram app. Along with this, the company has introduced many special and useful features for the convenience of its users.
Because of Whatsapp’s new policy, users are now turning to other instant messaging apps. In such a situation, Messaging Service Telegram has introduced a special and unique feature to compete with WhatsApp and lure users. With the help of which users can transfer the chats of their Whatsapp or other apps to Telegram. This feature will also prove to be very useful for users. Let’s know in detail about the new feature.

Telegram announced the new feature through its blog and informed about its use in detail. The company has reported that ‘Telegram’s users have increased to over 100 million in January this year with more privacy and independence. So what about the messages and memory that older apps have? That is why Telegram has introduced a very special feature.
Transfer Whatsapp Chats to Telegram
The company has informed that the facility of chats transfer has been introduced for both iOS and Android users.
iOS users– For this, users have to go to their WhatsApp Contact Info and Group Info. Click on Export Chat and go to Telegram.
Android users: More in WhatsApp chat and then in export chat, click on Telegram. After this process, your WhatsApp chat will be transferred to Telegram on the same day.

The chat app has also claimed that the media or chats will not take extra space after transferring chats. Older apps allow you to store data on your device. But the company never takes any space to access all your messages, photos, and videos as per your need. Apart from this, many other features of the company have also been added. In which voice chat is much better than before. With this, users will now be able to enjoy the great and fast audio quality as well.
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